LANGUAGE WARNING. Things on Hacked Gadgets are usually G rated but there is a bit of swearing in the video so if this offends you please skip this article.
This is a hilarious video, these guys rigged up a car airbag to be triggered remotely and stuck it under the center cushion of their couch. Poor guy who they got to sit directly on the airbag when it went off. I was thinking that the video was staged but I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to do this on purpose with all of the airbag deaths that air bags have caused over the years. Not that airbags are bad since I believe that they do more good than harm but that is another debate.
“NHTSA recorded 238 deaths due to airbags between 1990 and 2002, according to information about these deaths on their Web site,†said Meyer. They all occurred at very low speeds, with injuries that could not have been caused by anything else.”
Turns out there are lots of idiots out there, have a look at more clowns below who thought it might be a good idea to play with an airbag until they fractured their spine!
Idiot at the beach sits on airbag
Idiot at junk yard sits on airbag
Idiot on bike runs over airbag
Idiot on lawn chair has airbag explode under him
Watching the village idiot do it to himself is one thing…when a village full of idiots does it as a prank it goes over the line.