IR Jammer Version 2 – No Remote Controls are Safe


We had some feedback about the IR Jammer and how the button snap was not the best way to attach the 9 volt battery to the IR Jammer. The IR Jammer version 2 now has a plastic 9 volt battery box that holds the battery and with the included double stick foam it is now a much better looking evil device.  It also has much better feel in the hand.

If you haven’t seen the jammer before, it is very simple. Press the button and have fun while people around you are wondering why their remote control doesn’t work anymore. 🙂 We are also happy to say that it is now also available in the Make online store called Maker Shed so be sure to add one to your cart next time you are getting some swag in the Maker Shed.

Alan’s Electronic Projects Location

Maker Shed IR Jammer Location

IR Jammer Assembly Manual (PDF)
