The CES Unveiled Event was fun, there was some good food, some light background music from the live band and an open bar. Oh yeah, I forgot there was also a ton of press struggling to get in position to record some clips of the latest and greatest products. All I can say is the main CES event better be less congested than this was! There were lots of people in attendance that you would recognize, the short list was John C Dvorak from PC Mag and TWIT, Max from Zedomax and Todd Cochrane from Geek News Central. The video is not of any products but rather a quick walk through of one side of the event to get a feel of the room.
I see that BoingBoing shot a video of the CES Unveiled line, I didn’t think it was that long when I got into line but wow am I ever far back (around the 1:28 minute mark in their video). They were very organized and got the people into the event very quickly.