February 12, 2011

DIY Video Chat Robot

Johnny Lee from Procrastineering (who we interviewed about 3 years ago) made a great DIY Video Chat Robot project. He is using a Roomba as the movable robotic platform and a netbook as the video conferencing system. Skype is used to do the actual telepresence. We did an article about the Anybot Telepresence Robot recently which is the same idea in a more polished package but essentially provides the same

Talking Plant Project

We recently featured the DIY Electronic Watering System which used technology take care of your plant for you but what if you still want to be involved but just need some reminders to keep your plants alive? Have a look at the Talking Plant Project that jeff-o made called The Plant Whisperer. We have all heard that talking to your plants is good for them but I wonder if having