Oscilloscope Probe Noise when Physically Shocked

The recently unemployed Dave Jones from the EEVblog has done a very extensive investigation of an issue he noticed which is the Noise an Oscilloscope Probe generates when Physically Shocked. I would have guessed it was just the switch that was not keeping a good contact when experiencing the jolt but watch the video to see what the culprit was.

I remember having a similar (but totally different) thing happen to me years ago when I was installing a small PA mic in a small hall. The amp was a very cheap and tiny thing that was driving a efficient 5 watt horn speaker. I was surprised at the thump I could generate just by walking on the 50 foot cord that connected the mic to the wall mounted jack. I never looked into it and just thought it must be a rapid change in the dielectric properties of the cable when it was squeezed rapidly. If that is not the case please clue me in with the comments.

Congrats to Dave now that he has taken the plunge into full time video blogging. We are sure to see lots of interesting things in the weeks and months to come! If you are curious what made Dave decide to take the plunge be sure to listen to The Amp Hour radio show, episode 37 which Dave and Chris Gammell do together.