Bokeh Photography
I had never heard of the term Bokeh before but I have seen the effect. I had no idea that the Bokeh Photography Effect was so easy to achieve. Thanks for the great video Matt.
I had never heard of the term Bokeh before but I have seen the effect. I had no idea that the Bokeh Photography Effect was so easy to achieve. Thanks for the great video Matt.
The guys over at Super Touch have made a Dodgeball game that uses the Kinect, an iPhone and an iPad to play. The game uses a bunch of technology starting with the way the game modes are selected. There is no start button on the controller, the team has opted for a cube with modes printed on it to select game modes. The cube has an accelerometer, an Arduino and
If you are wanting to jazz up your simple coffee table why not make an LED Table? We have seen other LED tables before but this one is made up from very simple parts and might be a great intro project to electronics. Nice thing about this design is since there are no controllers used there are no parts that need to be programmed, this means that once you solder
If you were fortunate enough to have a Commodore 64 back in the day you probably remember playing all the cool games with the funky tunes playing in the background. This DIY SID Player project will let you listen to those old tunes on the go using a PIC microcontroller and some cool interface methods. Via: Dangerous Prototypes “The SSD1308 OLED displays the filesystem, and the rotary encoder is used