Automatic Dogfeeder Project


If you have animals, feeding them is a boring daily routine. This Automatic Dogfeeder Project allows you to load a big hopper full of food and program when it should do your dirty work. Future plans for the design include adding wireless capability to the feeder.

Via: Embedds

“The plan was to make an autonomous dogfeeder using an Atmel AVR microcontroller, a cereal dispenser, a DC motor and some electronics. The feeder should be able to feed the dog three times a day at preset times, which could be set by the user. The approximately correct amount of food would be dispensed by turning the dispenser propeller for a certain amount of time. I made test runs to find out for how long the propeller should rotate in order to dispense a correct amount of dry dog food. The correct amount should of course also be adjustable in case different types of dog food dispensed differently.