December 6, 2011

LED Madness at Light Energy Studio

As most of you know I love LEDs! But even I can’t imagine working at a place like Light Energy Studio. This place has a showroom that would make non epileptics has a seizure from all the blinking goodness. 🙂 I guess if you are looking to do some interior design in a night club (or my basement) this would be the place to go. They make some great looking

Siri Start my Car - iPhone Vehicle Voice Interaction

  It was a great day when we could start our cold car remotely. A bit of trivia, the first remote car starter was produced by Canadian company here in Winnipeg called Kraus.  Times have changed! In this hack Brandon Fiquett uses Siri in his Apple iPhone 4S to command his car to start using voice commands. Lots of the heavy lifting has been done by Viper in this case