January 17, 2012

Laser Shooting Duck Hunt Game

  Have you ever been to carnivals and played Duck Hunt Game? Check out the video of this Laser Shooting Duck Hunt Game which shows how this game has evolved using Laser technology. It was carried out by few students from San Jose State University and made the use of laser guns for shooting the eye-catching ducks made up of glass which is makes this game more fascinating to play.

Electric Skateboard hack driven using a Kinect

  Check out this cool Electric Skateboard hack driven using a Kinect by Chaotic Moons Labs. An all-terrain long skateboard is equipped with a Microsoft’s Kinect controlled by a Windows 8 Samsung Tab. It has an 800 watt electric motor and uses a 36 volt power pack to set it in the motion.   This high tech skateboard works with voice and video recognition and also has accelerometers for feedback. The