Check out this Gir Robot Build. This build is a combination of all sorts of odds and ends. I had never seen Gir before, if you are in the same boat you can see more about the Invader Zim characters here. For an eyeballed hand built version it looks great! The eyes and audio really makes this tiny robot come to life.
Thanks for sending it in Rangerx52!
“When power is applied to the mainboard, gir goes into reset mode. The leg servos are told to sync up and fall (if up), the door is told to close, the eyes turned off, and the head to tilt down. This is done so that if a failure occurred last time, or he was shut off mid-program, he would revert to stage 1 in his animation automatically. He then waits in standby mode for input. the Servos are allowed to ragdoll.
-The remote controlled relay is placed inbetween an I/O pin on the pic, and power, meaning that every time the remote is pushed, the Microcontroller sees the state of the pin shift from low, to high. This signal tells it to advance through the program. Since Gir is in standby mode, he waits for the button push.
-Once the remote is pushed, he goes through his next animation, turning on his lights, and associated functions, until his next standby, until he finally goes into shutdown mode. This is a very simplified method of control, but it allows for some method of outside intervention. the speech is controlled by sending a string of data to the somo audio module, telling it what sound clip to play. The sound clips are actually just copied to an sd card, and played in order, but the controller has the option to play anything it wishes, according to the program.”