July 2012

ATtiny USB Web Site Hit Counter Project

  How many hits does your web site have today? You just need to log onto to your stats system, drill into a few menus and voila there it is. This ATtiny USB Web Site Hit Counter Project by Bob Hobby makes it much easier than that, you can just have a look at the numbers on your own hit counter panel, if you are curious how traffic changed based

How a Slingshot works

  See the world record holder in hand held slingshot in action and learn how a slingshot actually works. Tobias can actually generate over  100 jules of energy with his slingshot. That is some amazing power as you can see it can punch through some very thick boards. Destin from Smarter Every Day shows us that you get the most energy from a slingshot if you pull back and fire

Name the Thing Contest – 207

    The prize this week is a credit card knife, it has a ton of features to get you out of a jam in a network closet or your next camping trip. This contest will run for one week (July 29 – August 3, 2012). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please do not

Halfluck Automated Brewing System

  If you enjoy a beer or two every now and again you might want to try your hand at making a few batches of your own. After you get good at it why not automate the process. That is what randyrob did and has since had his system make over 1000 liters of beer. Got to love the NES controller that he integrated into his control system! Best of

Gravity Bike Build

  A gravity bike is a bike that has been modified to run at high speeds by using a hill and gravity to get you going. There are no other means of pedaling the bike so you need to make sure your hill is long enough and high enough to get some good speed. There are lots of variations to the designs but most of them have the rider in

Ping Pong Balls in Space

  This Kickstarter will get 1000 Ping Pong Ball Projects into Space. Many of them will be student projects but there will be a bunch from non students so if you have a great idea you might be able to get it into space. There are some cool sponsorship levels such as getting a note into space and back for $10. I was wondering how many they recover since they

DIY Voice Activated Video Recording Project

  If you have a camcorder you have probably had a case where you needed to start recording but weren’t near the record button. Ragtop from the Parallax Forum built a DIY Voice Activated Video Recording Project that monitors the room noise using a small microphone. When the room sound level is high enough the system sends out an IR code using an IR (infrared LED) that simulates the record