September 10, 2012

DIY Zoom Lense for your Pocket Camcorder

  If you shoot video with a small pocket camcorder you might wish you could get some depth of field like you can get from a DSLR. Dan Colvin sent in his latest project that solves that problem with a pair of cheap binoculars and a home made bracket. The binoculars held up to the small lens of the camcorder gives you the depth of field that you have been

Smart Grid using an old UPS

  Instructables user bennelson shows us how you can make a Smart Grid using an old UPS. This allows him to charge his 48 volt electric motorcycle using a discarded UPS. When the power fails he can also backfeed his garage or house using his UPS system which would then draw current from the motorcycle battery to generate AC power.  He unplugs the UPS AC power from the wall, connects