December 2, 2012

Handheld POV

  If you have a spare Altoids tin this Handheld POV project might be a great way to fill it. You can make your own custom message with this page. “There are 32 message slots — 16 are straight hard coded bitmaps, 16 are text strings of any length. The text strings are mapped to ASCII character bitmaps with one extra trick — the engine will look for a break

Shy Light

  Have a look at this fun project called the Shy Light. The light doesn’t like to be seen in public and uses a basket to hide in. X10 and two microcontrollers are being used to get the job done. “Why TWO Microcontrollers? The Dual-Microcontroller Circuit: Master (right) Slave (left) The Master Control microcontroller handles the foot-switch input, orchestrates the timing of the opening/closing of the basket (using commands to