December 2012

Name the Thing Contest – 215

  The prize this week is a breadboard power supply. This contest will run for one week (December 30 2012 – January 4, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @ with “Name the Thing Contest” as the subject, and

Electric Imp Cat Door Project

  This Tweeting Cat Door Project uses the new Electric Imp controller. If you haven’t heard about the Electric Imp before watch the video that Engadget recorded at Maker Fair at their booth. The Electric Imp is a neat idea, the form factor is an SD card but that was just chosen since there are lots of cheap SD card connectors available. The Imp has been designed so that if it

Samsung Syncmaster 204B Monitor Repair

  Dave from the EEVblog did a video a few months back that I somehow missed. His new shop is in a building where they seem to through out a ton of stuff. So much that he regularly does some dumpster diving to see what interesting things he can find. This time around he was able to get his hands on two Samsung Syncmaster 204 Monitors. Samsung has a good

Portable CNC in a Box

    Check out this Portable CNC in a Box (translated into English). If you ever wanted to setup a CNC machine in a mall on the weekend at a small booth this would be the ideal machine for that. Just think of all the custom trinkets you could make with it. Best of all the steam punk controller which reminds me of the Wiimote remote would make it look

Laser Cut Hand Crank Marble Machine

  If you have a laser machine collecting dust because you have nothing inspirational to cut you are in luck. This Laser Cut Hand Crank Marble Machine by Martin Raynsford is the final version after a ton of experimentation. It looks like it is lots of fun and would be simple to stick a motor on the shaft that is normally turned by hand. “The main feature of this marble

$3657 High Speed Automatic Pick and Place Machine

  If you haven’t listened to the latest Amp Hour (episode #126) you may not have heard about this $269 High Speed Automatic Pick and Place Machine. I have very little information on it since I can’t read Chinese, the videos demo the system quite well though. For such a small machine it sure looks impressive, the tiny screen looks to have a ton of very usable information although most

Open Source Hardware Bagpipes

  Some people love the sound of Bagpipes, others need to acquire a taste for the sound. If you want to practice your Bagpipe fingering without purchasing a set of pipes now you can use the Open Source Hardware Bagpipes to help you out. “OpenPipe MIDI-USB Shield can be connected to Mac, Linux and Windows without installing additional drivers. It can also be connected to iPad/iPhone using Camera Connector Kit