December 2012

Virtual Archery - ECE 4760 Final Project

  Mohamed Abdellatif and Michael Ross just completed a fun looking game for their Cornell University ECE 4760 Final Project. The game is Virtual Archery. The player has a bow that uses a stretch sensor to detect when the string is pulled and an accelerometer to determine how the bow is being held as the virtual arrow is released. The user even needs to take virtual gravity into consideration and aim slightly

G35 LED Christmas Light Sync Hack

  Todd from Toddfun has a few sets of Christmas lights but has an issue with the lights slowly going out of sync. This year he has come up with a way to solve the G35 LED Christmas Light Sync issue with a quick Hack. The two strands of lights have their own controller, you might think to somehow sync the controllers together or change to a common input clock

Face Tracking Lamp

  Shanshan Zhou, Adam Ben-Dror, Joss Doggett from Victoria University used Processing, Open CV, a web cam, an Arduino and a bunch of servo motors to make a Face Tracking Lamp! It is quite freaky how well it seems to work. I can see this being quite a cool thing to put in a store front display to attract a crowd of curious people.  Via: Make and  “Pinokio comes in the

Handheld POV

  If you have a spare Altoids tin this Handheld POV project might be a great way to fill it. You can make your own custom message with this page. “There are 32 message slots — 16 are straight hard coded bitmaps, 16 are text strings of any length. The text strings are mapped to ASCII character bitmaps with one extra trick — the engine will look for a break

Shy Light

  Have a look at this fun project called the Shy Light. The light doesn’t like to be seen in public and uses a basket to hide in. X10 and two microcontrollers are being used to get the job done. “Why TWO Microcontrollers? The Dual-Microcontroller Circuit: Master (right) Slave (left) The Master Control microcontroller handles the foot-switch input, orchestrates the timing of the opening/closing of the basket (using commands to