Nuxie1 did a great job on this PIC based USB project board. I am very impressed by the Eagle 3D plugin that was used to create the image above.
“This design uses the Microchip PIC 18F2450 or 18F2550 USB enabled microcontroller. The total parts cost is around $15 including the microcontroller for a single board. The board features a USB port that can be used with a bootloader for easy programming. It is designed to use a 20MHz crystal. Two switches are included, for MCLR and RC0. Five analog inputs are brought out (AN0-AN4) which can be used to read analog sensors, as well as the two CCP ports which can be used to control servos or other devices. A user LED is built in, using RA4. The onboard USART ports are brought out to a three pin header which can be used to talk to other microcontrollers, or to an RS232 device with a MAX232 level converter. The whole of PORTB is brought out to a header, as well as a pair of power headers. An ICSP header rounds out the board for programming the PIC.”
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Nice. I wish I had seen this. I just payed a bit more on ebay for the same functionality that uses ZIFF sockets.
great work..
i want to make USB dongle so will u please give me circuit
Hi Mihir,
Please click on the link in the article.