March 19, 2013

Dot Matrix Wall Writer - Time Writer

  Olivier van Herpt invented a machine called the Time Writer. It allows any graffiti artist in training to get their message out to the masses with the push of a button. An Arduino controls the action here. The Arduino pulses a number of relays which open and close paint nozzles. The paint mixture is pressurized using a re-purposed water fire extinguisher which conveniently has a valve just like a

Tea Timer Robot

  Tobias Schmidt built a robot mechanism to time his tea brewing. It uses a Atmel ATmega8 microcontroller to run the show, a 2 line LCD display shows you how much time is left for the brew to complete. A motorized slide was made with two optical limit switches is used to dunk the tea bag into the cup. Tobias is willing to share the code with anyone that is