October 2013

Flirtey - Autonomous Hexacopter Delivery Platform

    If you are in Australia don’t look to the street for your package delivery, look to the sky! A company called Flirtey is developing a  robust hexacopter drone that will be able to fly autonomously from warehouse to your current location in minutes carrying your purchases. To start they will be delivering books from Zookal, a textbook rental service. To use the service you would select the book

3D Printed Jet Engine

  We have seen cut away models of things like conventional gasoline engines but this 3D Printed Jet Engine is amazing because it was 3D printed! In fact you can print your own copy since the creator has shared the design on Thingiverse. I guess the next logical step is to print it from metal and run it on jet fuel instead of compressed air!  

6 Axis 3D Printer

  One common theme amongst 3D printers is that most of them print layer by layer. The printing is normally started on a flat build platform and grows from there. This is limiting though since with this limitation you would not be able to do things such as build a design around a curved platform or on an irregular surface. This 6 Axis prototype 3D printer changed that by giving

Build a Minecraft Halloween Costume and Props

  If you are looking for a costume for Halloween why not do a Minecraft theme? There are quite easy to make because of the 8 bit theme. A color printer, some cardboard or foamboard and some glue will get you  along way to constructing something that will look cool and be recognized by many.       

LED Face Makeup

    If you are looking to jazz up your look this Halloween why not add some lighting effects to your face! Adafruit has a great tutorial on how to use their GEMMA microcontroller to make it happen. The tiny GEMMA is using a Attiny85 and is programmed using Arduino, it looks to be a great platform when you don’t need much power and only a few IO pins.    

Halloween Moving Skull Project

  ISeeAll has been working on a Halloween Moving Skull Project which used an Arduino that is monitoring 5 photo cells so that it can watch shadows of people walking by so that it can look at them. move to predetermined positions based on which sensor is shaded. I think a room with even one entrance can be made very spooky with something similar, just have an IR beam on

BMW LED Angel Eye Install

    The headlights of some BMWs have some cool looking daytime running lights, they have acrylic light pipes that produce a ring of light. A cool looking upgrade is adding LED rings which are brighter and really make the lights look cool! Since the headlight units are sealed this mod isn’t that easy, but the results are worth it.  “Conclusion: I highly recommend anyone else considering this just let