If you are in Australia don’t look to the street for your package delivery, look to the sky! A company called Flirtey is developing a robust hexacopter drone that will be able to fly autonomously from warehouse to your current location in minutes carrying your purchases. To start they will be delivering books from Zookal, a textbook rental service. To use the service you would select the book you desire on your smart phone and a Flirtey will be dispatched to your location based on the GPS of your phone. You grab your package and the Flirtey returns to base. This idea sounds possible but I think it still has a long way to go. What happens when the Flirtey doesn’t return home because some hacker wanted it to make a copter of his own? It sounds like they are building a ton of redundancy into the platform to allow for flight with a missing prop and one failed battery but eventually it will come crashing to earth and hit someone on the head. What is going to happen then?
Here is hoping we see lots of these things flying around all everywhere but I think it will be a challenge.
Via: OhGizmo and TechCrunch