DIY Smart Watch

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Smart Watches are taking quite a while to catch on. I think when the price comes down to the $50 range or they are included with your smart phone I think we will see mass adoption but until then I think they will remain rare. But if you want one now and have time for a new project why not build your own! With a few well chosen building blocks you can plug a few things together and quite quickly have a functional smart watch. The watch above was built using a Arduino Pro Mini, HC-06 Bluetooth module and a 0.96’’ OLED display. 

Via: Hack a Day

“Imagine a very small computer that you can wear on your wrist. Arduino board is a micro-processor and a storage, and there’s only one input method : a button. Bluetooth is to communicate with other devices, and the battery would be necessary for power. I’ll install an Android app for collecting or editing various RSS and system information and for notification on the Android device. This app will also process the data because the Arduino board has very limited resources.”


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