April 2014

The Final Key - Hardware Password Manager

    Passwords are a pain to keep on top of. The Final Key project is a Hardware Password Manager. It is based on an Arduino with a an EEPROM soldered onto the board. I am thinking that this needs to be a product that the masses can purchase at Best Buy. Thanks for the tip Jim. “The Final Key is a piece technology that solves a problem. The Final

Optical Mouse Video Output  Hack

  The $5 mouse that you just tossed in the garbage might have had some hackable life still in it. As Conor Peterson shows us most optical mice are actually quite simply in operation with most of the hard work being done by the low resolution camera sensor. With a bit of Arduino code he was able to read out the serial image data directly from the mouse and display

Funny Electrical Engineer Moments

  We have all had brain farts when working with electronics and blow stuff up or shock ourselves by accident. Mehdi Sadaghdar from ElectroBoom has made some great Funny Electrical Engineer Moments on video. I don’t think you will gain any useful information from the videos but that is not the point, they were obviously made for fun.  

Re:Load Pro - Active DC Load

     The Re:Load Pro is an Active DC Load Kickstarter. It is almost at the goal so it looks like they will be made. If you have a need to load test power supplies and various other pieces of gear this might be just the thing for you. The price seems very good and the unit looks fantastic with that snazzy display.  “The Re:load Pro’s features include: Dissipate 25

Name the Thing Contest – 250

  The prize this week is an Arduino Pro Mini. This contest will run for one week (April 13 – 18, 2014). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please note the image above is a side view of the thing. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email to contest @

Arduino Solar Charge Controller

  deba168 from India designed and built this Arduino Solar Charge Controller to provide electrical power in areas where the grid can’t always provide power when needed. Code and schematics are provided so you can get some inspiration from the design.  “At first the charge controller will check the solar panel voltage and compare it with battery voltage ,If it is greater then the Arduino will starts sending pulse width

Corn Cob LED Reuse

  If you have been looking at screw in LED lights you have no doubt seen the Corn Cob LED style. It it simply a ton of though hole LEDs mounted around the perimeter of a bulb housing. That is all fine and good and at a quick glance you probably can only think of it as a bulb replacement. Martin Raynsford did some out of the box thinking and