Free Illustrated Arduino Newbie Guide – The Illustrated Arduino

The Illustrated Arduino


If you know someone who is interested in trying Arduino for the first time this is a great looking friendly guide by 16Hz that will walk them through everything from how a microcontroller can read a switch to how the microcontroller can use PWM to output a simulated analog output. There is a hard copy version of the guide available, there are lots of kits and parts available but if you are just interested in using some of the material for some learning and experimenting the digital version of the guide if free!

Thanks for the tip Julia.

“16Hertz, an educational electronics company based in New York City announces the release of their illustrated, graphic-novel style guide, “The Illustrated Arduino”. The guide is over 75 pages long, and contains hundreds of hand-drawn illustrations that take the readers through getting up-and-running with electronics prototyping and Arduino programming.”




Free Illustrated Arduino Newbie Guide


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