Microchip MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE



If you have ever installed MPLAB on your development machine you know how heavy this software is. Microchip has now given you a nice light weight option. MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE is now available and will let you get up and running in no time.

Thanks for the tip James.

“MPLAB Xpress is a perfect starting point for new users of PIC Microcontrollers – no downloads, no machine configuration, and no waiting to get started on your system development.

MPLAB Xpress incorporates the latest version of MPLAB Code Configurator, which enables users to automatically generate initialization and application C code for 8-bit Microcontrollers using a graphical interface and pin map.

With massive amounts of storage available to users, you can store your current projects in the Cloud. The Community feature allows you to share your ideas with others, or gain inspiration from the shared code repository.

Best of all, MPLAB Xpress IDE is FREE, and can be accessed from any Internet-connected PC or Mac, anywhere in the world.”