Joven submitted this cool Power Supply PC mod in the Share a Hack Contest. This would be great to have sitting on my desk!
“I gutted the brand new 300W power supply except for cooling fan, power switch and power plug. The 3 1/2” form factor board fit perfectly. The gold anodized aluminum heat sinks are one piece, which actually covers the three main chips. Power supply cases really do make the perfect mini-computer case. The Advantech 5820 babyboard sports a “passively” cooled Geode 233MHz processor. It’s hardly passive with that monster fan running. I liked the idea of recycling the power plug and switch too.”
Hah! Great implementation.
soooooooo WTF is it? 0_o
lol. Thats the same case as my pc. Probably the same system specs too.
Before many more of you dis the PSU-PC computing power please note that this computer was built 4 years ago. It runs Windows 98 like a champ.
Many may remember my Unidyne PC from last year….
Sorry but: Brrr… Really sad assembling of parts.
Well I think it’s cool, perfect story for scaring geek around the camp fire “…and it had no motherboar… ooooOOOOOooooo”
Sorry but: Brrr… Really sad assembling of parts.
Otherw the recycling is a cool job.
marc: It’s a hack! Sometimes they aren’t the most graceful things…he gets points for inginuity in my book.
# NGinuity Says:
marc: It’s a hack! Sometimes they aren’t the most graceful things…he gets points for inginuity in my book.
I don’t agree. it is not a hack.
It is fitting someting into something…
It is ugly.
Hacking must be about something smart. Just like fitting a boat into a bottle.
This one sorry to say this again is wrong.
But less wrong than fitting a pc mouse into a… dead mouse.
Well, if you goto the contest page, you can find the
original url for this hack. Read, and you will find
that the power supply for this thing came out of an
unused cd burner. That’s making somthing do other
than what it was intended, and therefor, is a hack.
marc: I don’t agree with your interpretation of a hack. At all. You totally miss the point of it. Sorry.
marc> Hacking must be about something smart. Just like fitting a boat into a bottle.
Uh, dude?
Hack or not it’s still 4 years old and 233mhz, by todays standards it’s lame. I bet something like this today could fit in something way smaller and probably be faster. Just my opinion, and…One Thing learned. If you want to see people fight make-up a contest!
I have to disagree, I point of the hack isn’t the speed of the processor. Sure it could have tons more horsepower today, but it’s just plain cool to have the entire contents of a working computer running inside what looks like a standard power supply!
I also think that great hacks are timeless. This hack will still be very cool in 10 years (in my opinion).
I disagree, The site is clearly hacks/projects of today. Not stuff of yesterday!
Stuff of the day? Like all the NES stuff, right?
Joven: more like NES arts and crafts
Agree, Arts and Craps. Not hacks or even tech projects!
If you don’t have anything nice to say……
Oh, and another thing….I would love to see any mind blowing hack you have done.
Wouldn’t matter what I said or showed, you’ve already formed your opinion.
Why do you say that? On the contrary, I would ernestly like to see anything you are willing to show off. I’m a tinkerer, and am always looking for new ideas for things. Try me, you might be surprised.
Generally speaking, I will give props where they are due.
Fine, Hacks have been a few years back. One was fitting an RF transmitter in to a Philips Pronto touchscreen remote for control of X10 along side the typical Home theater stuff. Another was several mods for the Apex 600a DVD player running OFFA firmware, not just flashing what someone else did but writting/modifying code myself and releasing to the public (free). Current projects have been a 5’X10′ CNC router table capable of full 4’x8′ sheets of material with 10″ in Z travel. Since that has been completed I’ve started working on a R/C ball that is 12″ in diameter and hopefully when done be able to drive not just on flat ground but also go up hills. Looking for shock factor there!
You had me at CNC. That happens to be one of my hobbies. A friend and I have a small shop we house a plasma CNC operation in, and we are building a large scale router table, which, is also a 5′ X 10′. What are you using for drive? Do you have pictures of your tables?
Gecko Servo drivers. I’m set up for Plasma, but not yet implemented, next phase. I use a porter cable 7518 for a router. My wish is for a true spindle with ATC.
Hi SilverBurns,
Those hacks sound fantastic! I have never heard of a R/C ball before… Keep us posted, I would love to see some of the build details and the finished product when it’s complete.
We use Geckos on the plasma table too. Where did you get the collar mounts for your router?
I guess I should take some pics along the way. I’ll never gone the route of documenting my work though. I’ll try to do better with this one. It’s a project thats been in my mind for some time and I think I’ve finally got it worked out in theory. Fingers crossed!
i honestly have no clue what the hell this hack is
If it runs win98 like a champ, its cool but where’s the Hard disk ?? i have an idea !!instead of Hard disk how about using a 4GB SD card as a drive, it will be enough for installing win98 and will not require any extra space.
I thought for sure there was a link…..oh wait…..there is.
^Proof that circular links cause black holes.
Not exactly a gaming pc, lol
u got a harddrive in that beast too?