February 2016

Nixie Alarm Clock With Time Updated via GPS

  This Nixie Alarm Clock project gets the Time Updated via GPS. Not only is there GPS to get an accurate time, this clock also has an SD card that is used to play audio files. “The firmware for the clock is written in C using Eclipse C/C++ with the AVR Eclipse plugin with avr-gcc and avr-libc 1.8.1 Since the GPS module provides the time in UTC, I need to

Fast Workers winding Coils

  There are some electronic components that you just assume are cranked out of a machine that has a hopper of raw materials on one end and finished goods coming out of the other. Check out the amazingly fast worker making coils at 1:03. I wonder how far off our robotic technology is till we can have a robot perform this job. A person can be trained to do it