October 2016

DIY 1500 Watt Lab Power Supply

    A power supply is the heart of any good electronics lab. Hansaka Perera built his instead of purchasing one. It sure has a ton of bells and whistles. I don’t think I have seen a supply that shows what it is pulling from the wall, the LCD display in the center of his shows the total draw from the wall plug. The case of the supply is very nice and

Raspberry Pi Vehicle Accident Alert System

  SVS Embedded has built a nice proof of concept. It has a ton of peripherals hanging off the Raspberry PI. The system uses a vibration sensor and accelerometer to determine if an car accident has occurred. An LCD display reads out the information for the user. GPS captures the location of the incident and transmits it to a cell phone using a SMS transmission using the cellular radio.    

PID Motor Speed Controller Example

  SomethingUnreal has built a simple system to demonstrate how a PID Motor Speed Controller works. The system is spinning a piece of cardboard on a toy DC motor. The motor is powered by an H Bridge. An optical sensor provides feedback to the system so that it can see the actual speed and adjust the H Bridge accordingly. The software running on the PC is very nice as it allows