
Simple Cell Jammer

Checkout this cell Jammer or we can say Dirty transmitter. A Dirty transmitter transmits junk within the cellular phone bands. This model is good enough to knock out pesky cell phones for about 10 to 15 feet, just perfect for a quite cup of coffee in your favorite coffee shop. Via : EEweb “The 555 timer [8 pin] IC simply makes a noise. It’s coupled via C4 [electrolytic] to modulate

Litter Box Exhaust System using a Computer Fan

  Check out this DIY Litter Box Exhaust System. If the smell from your cat’s litter box is enough to have you cleaning the box many times a day you should consider an exhaust system. It was built using a 120 mm computer case fan, 4″ dryer duct, 12 vdc power supply, steel cans, electrical tapes, long zip ties, plywood and a few other various household items.  Some required tools

Self Driving Car developed in France

  Check out this new robotic car that has been developed in France by the team from IFSTTAR and the Embedded Electronic Systems Research Institute at ESIGELEC. The goal of the two groups is to develop an autonomous car which would help us be safer in our cars. Researchers can control the car speed and its trajectory through an on-board computer system. The researchers drives the car with the help of

Electric Skateboard hack driven using a Kinect

  Check out this cool Electric Skateboard hack driven using a Kinect by Chaotic Moons Labs. An all-terrain long skateboard is equipped with a Microsoft’s Kinect controlled by a Windows 8 Samsung Tab. It has an 800 watt electric motor and uses a 36 volt power pack to set it in the motion.   This high tech skateboard works with voice and video recognition and also has accelerometers for feedback. The