Tech Writer

Increase your Fan Speed

  Are you getting fed up with your Fan’s speed? If Yes! then here is the solution. Circuit-projects brings a fantastic tutorial that will help you to alter the power of your Fan’s motor winding.  This will help in increasing your Fan’s speed. Even you can monitor how fast the spin of your fan. 

World's first crazy digital Foosball Table

   Look on this crazy digital Foosball Table connected over Internet. You can do lot of amazing things, once you’ll be able to get this tble online. There are number of salient features of it like: – The Blueprint – The Mobile WebApp – The Agency Foosball league You’ll require a very few components to build your own Foosball Table like – Arduino Uno, WiFly Shield, Stackable Header Kit and Zeitschalter mit IR-Lichtschranken.

Rudolph - Email Reading Reindeer

  Adafruit reported a cool gadget so called “Rudolph“, an email Reading Reindeer that lets you know when you’ve got a new email and tells you who sent it! Basically it uses Propeller Platform USB to log into the email server, trigger animations, and generate the speech. The Internet connection is handled separately by E-Net module. All the software codes required to build this project can be downloaded from Gadgetgangster.

Turn Chumby web browser to Full-screen kiosk

  Cibomahto member mahto modified the Chumby web browser to a full-screen kiosk for his 8″ Insignia Infocast branded machine. You can probably make it to work with the other Chumbys too without learning flash or compiling anything.   The steps required to make it working are : – At first grab the file here, – unzip the contents into a USB stick or SD card, – place the card

DIY Steampunk Analog Clock with Moon phase

  Instructables member Fatratmatt has posted in his blog an amazing concept of building a Steampunk analog clock. The clock not only displays the time, month, date and day of the week but it is even equipped with an option of playing  a video of the correct moon phase for the current date and time. You can create your own audio effects with the selectable volume controls when the moon phase

DIY Auto turn-OFF featured cheap Digital Multimeter

  Youritronics member Florin brings you a wonderful design that enables you to add an Auto-OFF feature for 15 mins in your old and cheap digital multimeter(DMM). With this you can save your battery consumption even if you forgot to turn-OFF your DMM. To add the Turn-OFF feature, you will be requiring a very few components like – microcontroller (tiny25 in the present case), a voltage regulator, a npn transistor and the associated capacitors

Bridgestone: Air-Free Tire Concept

  Laughingsquid member EDW Lynch reported the new design concept of Air-Free Tire by Bridgestone. This Air-Free Tire is basically an airless tire design concept that relies on thermoplastic resin spokes to give the tire its shape and flexibility. This newly designed tire is 100% recyclable. Currently the holders of lightweight carts and personal mobility devices can be benefited with this new launch and very soon this design concept will brought up for the larger vehicle