Complex Hacks

Electric One Wheel Unicycle

Trevor Blackwell who had built a few (ver 1, ver 2) segway clones but felt that 2 wheels was 1 too many. So he built a one wheeled electric unicycle! His site has full parts list and instructions on how to build your own. “The unicycle balances itself using a simple feedback loop between a solid-state gyroscope and the wheel motor. When it detects itself tilting forward, it runs the

Snake Robot

This is Snake robot number 7, go to the site to see the other 6. There are also interesting videos available on the site. Materials: Expanded PVC plastic, steel rod, and plastic gears S7 is an experimental prototype that is still under development. It was inspired by a Dr. Miller’s encounter with a python. In particular it avoids using wheels to achieve locomotion by implementing a more advanced segment design.

Computer controlled RC helicopter

Eliot Phillips of Hackaday writes: “RC helicopters have become so cheap that they’re now a really attractive robotics platform. This guide gives a jumping off point for starting your own project. It covers how to integrate a Gumstix embedded linux system into the helicopter. Code is provided so that you can hook up a usb controller to your laptop and control the helicopter over Bluetooth. All you need to do