Crazy Hacks

Slow Motion Peeps vs 50 cal Bullet

  You have probably never considered how many peeps would need to be between you and a 50 cal bullet to save your life. Just in case this situation ever arises this video will help you stay protected! Not very scientific but you can see the cool result at 1:44.  

Dangerous Wood Working Machines

    Keep your fingers clear of these machines! If you are looking for a job that is bound to eventually take off one of your fingers some of these machines are sure to help with that. Fantastic machines but most are very dangerous.    

Concrete Creations to Inspire

    When you think of concrete you probably think about parking garages and and house foundations. Here are some projects that might cause you to add a few bags of concrete to your next DIY project. In the first video you will see that by using a simply mold and a simple jig you are able to create some wonderful bends in concrete. The concrete in many of these

High Speed Corn Starch Experiments

  We have seen lots of corn starch experiments in the past. When mixed with water it is a liquid that can be poured but if you shock it with a hard impact it will turn into a solid. There are lots of fun experiments that can be done with it but the TheBackyardScientist has recorded some great reactions with his high speed camera. The best reaction I think is the one

Thermite Gun

    We have seen some interesting uses for thermite before but colinfurze has taken thermite fun to the next level with his Thermite Gun build. You can see it in action above and the build process below. This build isn’t for the faint of heart and is probably illegal in your area so duplicate the system at your own risk!  

Apple Recycling Robot

  Apple produces a lot of electronics, unlike a pop can something like an iPhone is not the easiest thing to melt down and turn into something new. Apple wants to go green by allowing the recycling of your devices when you are done with them. “Introduced onstage in a peppy video, “Liam” the robot — more specifically a robotic arm — was specifically developed by Apple engineers to pick

Exoskeleton Spine Brace for Scoliosis

  We have seen Robotic Exoskeletons before, they are normally devices that make people have extra ordinary powers. Want to lift heavy items with ease? A Robotic Exoskeleton can probably help. This Exoskeleton Spine Brace for Scoliosis allows for the system to auto correct using a mechanical system. Scoliosis is a condition that causes an abnormal curve in the spine, traditional treatment is a rigid plastic brace. The brace has sensors that allows