
Nintendo NES Controller Business Card Holder

If you are a Nintendo fan this business card holder may make a good addition to your desk. “Here is a business card holder that looks like a Nintendo controller, from the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Stylish and retro art for your desk, not only cool looking but also functional and useful! It will hold plenty of business cards while showcasing your video gaming pride! This is made out

Nes Controller Wallet

If you want to make a wallet that you can’t buy anywhere why not make one out of an old NES controller. “you will need: one sacrificial Nes controller small phillips screwdriver wire snip pliers UHU glue Long Zip” Via: Digg

Deep Fryer PC

So you have a PC toaster but now you need a deep fryer. Have a look at the Deep Fryer PC for some inspiration. “Got a PC, but forgot to buy a Deep Fryer for that weekend party? Fear not! There is a solution! Just grab that high-end PC, stick it in a bucket, fill said bucket with oil, and play a CPU intensive game for a little while. In

Xbox 360 Tilt Controller

  It takes lots of work to mod the Xbox 360 to act like a Wiimote. 🙂 This Xbox 360 Tilt Controller reminds me of the this project. Great job! I look forward to the next hack… “After wanting to play around with an accelerometer for a long time, I finally thought of an idea that would warrant me purchasing one, modifying an Xbox 360 controller to make one of

Water Cooling Computers With a Swimming Pool

Looks like this may be a new form of pool heating. “This rig has been running successfully since 8/06 (knock knock). Computers have been easily swapped out without the need to shut down the pump or any other computers on the line. There is no perceptible temperature difference in the water returned to the pool. However, every machine on the line happily operates somewhere between 30 – 40 C depending

The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla

  Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht over at Diggnation mentioned this Nikola Tesla video on their last episode. It is a must see! UPDATE: It has come to my attention that some of the facts on the quote below are not correct, please have a look at the comments for some corrected information. “Nikola Tesla (here played by Petar Bozovic) was a famous 19th century Yugoslavian inventor. The film recounts