DIY Hacks

Includes Do It Yourself instructions.

SMS Message usage with GSM Modem and Arduino

  iforce2d has a great demonstration of how to play with SMS Message usage with GSM Modem and Arduino. He goes through lots of interesting AT commands that do the actual transmission and read of the SMS messages. I can think of lots of useful uses of this type of device since an SMS message can be long enough to pack some interesting data chunks such as temperature issues (low temp

Water Meter Cloud Monitoring Interface

    In some areas water meters have methods of connecting external monitoring equipment to determine water usage over time. This is normally done by a switch that pulses after a certain amount of water consumption. This was the case for sfrwmaker. He has a water meter that has an internal reed switch which closes once per revolution of the last metering wheel of his water meter. He has created a Water

Making of a New Nixie Tube

A Nixie Tube is an old piece of technology, Dalibor Farný has resurrected the old technology by working through the techniques to build new tubes by hand. The video shows the tedious process of the low volume creation of them. Lots of complex mechanical steps are needed from spot welding to glass blowing is needed. “The nixie tube is a vintage display device which had been used until 70s when it was replaced

iPhone Headphone Jack Hacked back into an iPhone 7

  Scotty from Strange Parts known for building his own iPhone has been busy with another iPhone project. As most people know the Apple iPhone got rid of the headphone jack and even though many people hate that decision it looks like Apple will not be bringing it back. After 4 months of designing and Scotty was finally able to replicate the functionality of the normal headphone jack functionality. Of course this

DIY LIPO Battery Spot Welding

  WeAreTheWatt is building a DIY LIPO Battery Spot Welding project. The construction is very nice. The PCB is very well laid out but of course even with a very heavy copper clad board it would not be able to handle the amount of current he needs. Heavy bus bars are used to pass the current through the fuse and across the switching transistors. There is a foot pedal activation method or

Naomi 'SexyCyborg' Wu Electronic Clothing  Designer

  Naomi ‘SexyCyborg’ Wu is a Maker and hardware enthusiast from China. She uses a 3D printer to make clothing such as bras and custom electronic skirts. She has a Patreon if you would like to support her. Looks like open hardware and Hack a Day shirts are in regular rotation! “I build FashionTech Wearables and other cool things then share the Open Source plans online, I write about life in

Safe Cracking Robot

    We have seen safe cracking robots before but they never get old. The guys at Spark Fun made a great one. It would be funny to  see a CCTV video of a vault heist that uses some technology like this. The safe cracker could setup his rig and read a magazine while the technology did the hard work. Via: Adafruit   “Nathan Seidle’s wife gave him this already