DIY Hacks

PC Cooling with Cooking Oil

As seen on Slashdot, Toms Hardware sealed a clear computer case and filled it with 8 gallons of cooking oil to improve it’s cooling. Watch the video below! If you want to watch the full lengh video it is available here. This type of mod has been done before but watching the video is very cool! PC filled up with cooking oil

Lego Hacks

Lego is inherently a creative product, think of something and then put it together with little blocks of Lego. Well for some people Lego alone isn’t good enough. Might as well make a computer out of it like this one that Winston built. Not good enough? Why not build an entire fleet of computers out of Lego then! Don’t like the computing power of the available Mindstorm Computer? Derek Anderson

ScanJet Music Hack

GanjaTron’s web site has some interesting items on it but the most interesting is his HP ScanJet hack. He found an article by HP that demonstrated an easter egg for the scanner. There is a PlayTune command that allows the user to send commands to the scanner that will move the scanner head in such a way that it produces a sound note! I guess some of the design engineers

Computer Monitor Jacob's Ladder

This is a very simple and fun use of a dying computer monitor. Jacob’s ladders have been around forever, but I don’t think one has ever been made in this way before. Check out the video on his site to see it in action! read more | digg story

Fun With Lasers

Ever wanted to make a DIY project using lasers? No time like the present! Here are a few projects that will get your feet wet. Philippe Hurbain enjoys lego and building sensors. He has made a Laser Target Finder Sensor, his web site provides full schematics and detailed construction details. Here is what he says about his laser sensor: “I originally built this sensor to be able to perform triangulation

Animated Singing Santa Hack

Josh McCormick took a regular WalMart singing santa and hacked it! It is now a santa that has had a bit too much to drink. Watch the videos, they are great. “If you’ve ever gone to Wal*Mart during the Christmas season, you’ve seen it. I figure that at least a quarter of the US population has been exposed to it by now. A 5 foot tall Santa Claus that sings