Electronic Hacks

Tree Climbing Robot

Yes tree climbing robots are a reality. It was developed by studying how animals are able to climb vertical surfaces. “The goal of the RiSE project is to create a bioinspired climbing robot with the unique ability to walk on land and climb on vertical surfaces. Active research studies novel robot kinematics, precision-manufactured compliant feet and appendages, and advanced robot behaviors. This project is funded by the DARPA Biodynotics Program.”

LED Cubes

LED Cubes are interesting. A work of art at rest, and hypnotic experience once the microcontroller takes charge. This cube was created by Chris Lomont and Gene Foulk. Initially prototyped using a PIC microcontroller that was later swapped out in favor of a gumstick controller. “Gene and I started construction on a LED cube. We built a 4x4x4 bicolor prototype over the weekend to help us decide on LED colors,

Cathode Ray Tube Clock

David Forbes has built a very interesting CRT (cathode ray tube) clock. It uses a 3 inch oscilloscope tube. The clock draws images by bending the CRT beam; this produces a smooth well formed numbers. This is a much different procedure than a TV uses to produce images on a CRT. At the time of writing David does not have any clocks to sell but he does intend to have

Hacking the  Devantech SFR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder

Bert van Dam wanted to alter the default operation of his SRF04 Range Finder. Some Lego, a bit of JAL microcontroller programming and a VB computer program has made an interesting project. Bert has made a number of other interesting projects, have a look. “The Devantech SFR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder indicates the distance to the closest object within range. Echo’s that arrive later are received and processed, but subsequently ignored.

Robosapien V2 LED Vision Mod

Here is a neat mod by Evosapien to make your Robosapien V2 have better vision in low light conditions. Not to mention it looks very cool. You might remember Evosapien from a previous article. Chances are you have all of the required items, if not everything is relatively inexpensive. Here is the entire parts list required: * CD-ROM Audio Cable * white color LED * cable housing/shield * set of

Make your own Video Game System

John Beeckler was not content with playing the standard video game systems. The picture shown is of his version one Alien Slaughter System which used three separate PIC chips. John is now working on version two of Alien Slaughter, the new system is being designed around a LEON2 Processor, this is a 32-bit processor using the SPARC architecture. This is what he said about the version one “After completing the

NES Alarm Clock

Aaron Mavrinac has mad skills when it comes to soldering. “So I built a funky alarm clock out of an old Nintendo console. Why? Because I was at Value Village with my girlfriend and my sister, and while they were browsing through miles of clothing the only thing of interest I could find were two broken Nintendo units without paddles, and I had to do something with them.” read more | digg