What Were They Thinking

Waterproof Electrical/Electronic Spray

  This Waterproof Electrical/Electronic Spray by Nano Protech looks amazing. Not exactly sure I understand how it works though. At first I thought it sealed the electronics but they demonstrate a socket and light bulb still operating after they are coated and then screwed together. Obviously the coating isn’t an insulator since the bulb is still making contact and it isn’t a conductor since it isn’t shorting out. I would

Calculator Powered by a Transistor Solar Cell

    Who knew you could use the guts of a power transistor as a solar cell! Steven fromRimStar even takes it a step further and chains five 2n3055 in a base to collector configuration to generate enough voltage to power a small calculator. Funny how some electronics form China are working fakes. The small calculator he got has a small solar cell in it already but once the case

How to 3D Print an Aston Martin

  3D printers are all the rage. Not sure where things will be in 10 years but I can’t wait to see what it will be like when you can pick up a 3D printer in Walmart beside the Lexmark all in 1 printer for $150. Printing door knobs and clothes pins will be second nature, just like printing a garage sale sign is today. I am not sure we

450mph Land Speed Record Project

  This project will get funded at $200,000. They are hoping to get it flying across the ground at 450mph! With dual 2000 horse power engines it has tons of power to get the job done. Good luck on Danny Thompson continuing what his father Mickey Thompson started. More Details “Streamliner Facts: The skin of the car is made-up entirely of 68 hand formed aluminum panels. They are connected to

Fireworks Shot at RC Plane creates some Stunning Video

  Not sure how many people would shoot fireworks at their expensive RC plane but the video it creates is great. The guys from Louisiana Hog Control do this every year as part of their 4th of July festivities. Thanks to Cy Brown for sending this in. “It has become somewhat of a family tradition to try and shoot down Uncle Cy’s expensive little toy every 4th of July and

Worms with Heads Cut Off grow New Head and Remember the Past

    There are lots of crazy things in nature that are unbelievable. You have probably read about starfish being able to regenerate lost arms or how frogs can freeze solid for months with no heart beat and thaw out and be good as new in the summer. Many species of worms also have the ability to regrow chopped off sections of their body including internal organs, see the video

Becks Beer Bottle with an Audio Recording Scratched on it

    Beer is great and refreshing but I always thought the only thing you could do with the them after the been was consumed was recycle them. Guess what, the guys over at GYRO have made a recording system so they can scratch a recording into the outside of the bottle and then play it back with a player. The device is based on an Edison Cylinder but uses