December 31, 2005

Computer controlled RC helicopter

Eliot Phillips of Hackaday writes: “RC helicopters have become so cheap that they’re now a really attractive robotics platform. This guide gives a jumping off point for starting your own project. It covers how to integrate a Gumstix embedded linux system into the helicopter. Code is provided so that you can hook up a usb controller to your laptop and control the helicopter over Bluetooth. All you need to do

Nissan's New Gaming Platform

It wouldn’t be unheard of for a large manufacturer to venture into new territory but no Nissan isn’t developing a game console they have integrated it into a concept car. I guess gamers of the future will be spending more time in their cars 🙂 . The game system uses the cars steering wheel and pedals as input devices for the game unit which is a coveted XBox-360. Geek Zone