March 2006

Floppy Disk Striped RAID

Got some extra floppy drives lying around? Why not put them to good use and build a RAID drive out of them! That is exactly what Scott Fudali did. Check it out here. Here are the hardware specs: * iBook G3/700MHz * 384 MB of RAM * Running OX 10.4.3 * 13 VST Floppy Drives * 6 USB 1.1 Hubs (Not all ports were used though)

Tree Climbing Robot

Yes tree climbing robots are a reality. It was developed by studying how animals are able to climb vertical surfaces. “The goal of the RiSE project is to create a bioinspired climbing robot with the unique ability to walk on land and climb on vertical surfaces. Active research studies novel robot kinematics, precision-manufactured compliant feet and appendages, and advanced robot behaviors. This project is funded by the DARPA Biodynotics Program.”

LED Cubes

LED Cubes are interesting. A work of art at rest, and hypnotic experience once the microcontroller takes charge. This cube was created by Chris Lomont and Gene Foulk. Initially prototyped using a PIC microcontroller that was later swapped out in favor of a gumstick controller. “Gene and I started construction on a LED cube. We built a 4x4x4 bicolor prototype over the weekend to help us decide on LED colors,