We all remember the old style ant farms… This new version looks nothing like the old ones, someone needs to set up an ant cam using one of these things. 🙂
“Fascinating creatures ants. Sure you hate to see them in your socks or making a B-line for that pizza crust crumb you forgot to sweep up at the local LAN party. But let’s give credit where credit is due. Ants are amazing. Ants can lift up to 20x their body weight! They have two stomachs and three eyes! They also have uncanny communication skills and amazing abilities to work together to achieve a common goal.
This miraculous gel, derived from a NASA Space experiment, serves as both habitat and nutrition for your ants – allowing you to watch in awe as they turn a brick of aqua-blue gel into a fascinating colony of tunnels. Never before have you been so capable of watching these awesome creatures at work. ”
Via: PopGadget
Umm do we really need more people helping the Ant Population to grow???… I think they are doing fine by themselfs and really do not need our help… hehehe
I like how the google ads are advertising ant exterminators
That girl in the bottom picture on the left looks cross-eyed…
The girl on the right looks like the cross-eyed one to me.
This thing looks about the size of my fist.
Girl on left of picture is boy. Girl on right is on boy’s left, though…
I, for one, welcome our new ant overlords.
How ’bout a Hissing Roach farm next?
This thing looks about the size of my cock.
Your cock is the size of an ant? Wow.
Whoa bro im so sorry for you. must suk bein so small.
Yeah, but does it run linux?
Free the Ants!
These wonderful creatures do not deserve to be held captive and ogled at by cross eyed kids! If you don’t like them, stamp on them, but don’t hold them prisoner!
Free the Ants – Free the Ants – Free the Ants
El Anto
No, I was talking about that tubing on the table.
what a coincedence, “The Ant Bully” is now showing … lol
Wow! Simply beautifull!
Hehe thats great! I’d buy one
Don’t let ThinkGeek rip you off – it’s $10 cheaper here: http://www.exploratoriumstore.com/antworks.html
Looks very nice 🙂 Maybe a nice gift indeed!
I only scrolled through six pictures and lost interest. with all these computers, video games, cellphones, porn, television, radio, and ridlin how is a kid going to pay attention to ants walking around in a plastic container?
Is that ant shit in the 2nd to last picture?
to Steve think geek has the LED model. cheepest place is http://www.smarthome.com/95641.html for $25
We have one of these things, it’s fascinating. It’s still early though and the small ants are on one side of it, but hopefully they will dig all the way around
I’m curious as to what these ants eat as far as food goes? This concept looks interesting.
This blue gel tastes like crap. What other flavors are available?
Its shite, I’ve had my ants for months and the *@&#% still haven’t grown anything, Antfarm, more like lazy greedy crack hoes. Fume, fume!! I’m going to get one of those space monkey thingies those fellas can grow fine weed, it says on the box!
hello, i’m from portugal and i must say that the antworks’ farm is pretty cool. nevertheless, i must say that it is very diffcult to find gadgets to apply. more it is too expensive to buy an ant farm. but it is fantastic to see how ants can be organised.
i like this very much 🙂
does the gel need to replace after several months or weeks?
Not sure Sherly, but I would think it would become dirty in time.
this thing is pretty tight. is the gel all the ants need, or do you have to give them water?
I did this for my science fair project and i put one in the light and one in the dark. the dark one did better suprisingly. i hope i get an A!
I am looking for a ready one U S E D with a few live ants left urgently for today.
TO be picked up in Brooklyn NY or nearby. Its for a Science project.
Anyone who has one in the progress of being formed, not just the clear gel without tunnels,
should please contact me 718-218-8420 . Thanks.
Thanks, perfect idea and good work.