USB Electric Barbeque

You can’t create very much resistive heat using a USB port. This all changes when you have 30! Barbeque anyone?

“Because you did the last time with just the USB1 port, it failed, but if it tries thinking, don’t you think? there is no reason which can do the fried egg by the electric power of 2.5W. If is it should have increased simply it is not? With being the case that it is said, we had decided to challenge 6 USB extended cards of 5 ports with the total 30 port.”

Via: BoingBoing and Make


  1. wtf, this is kewl

    how do you come up with this kind of thing

  2. Nice, just seen this set of pictures myself but with no description, thanks al for the explanation!

  3. Ha! That’s so wicked! Very creative.

  4. You have to see the translated site that’s linked – it’s worth the reading – forget the pics 🙂

  5. and i thot surfing late nite porn was fun

  6. is that a mug warming plate?

  7. Huge fail. No proof that is even works and your English is not readable.

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