Instead of smashing a PS3 why not put it to good use. The second photoshopped image was the inspiration for the real PS3 Grill.
“When the final case design of the Playstation 3 was released, it was widely critsised as looking exactly like a George Foreman Grill. A few months later, Photoshopped pictures started emerging on the internet of the Playstation 3 with a grill built into it.
So, after seeing these pictures, we decided this would be a great project and challenge to actually build the Real PS3 Grill. After much support and advice from the X-S forums we decided to dedicate a site to update everyone about The Real PS3 grill. The main reason of building this grill, apart from the fame and glory (Id like to think so lol 🙂 is to make everyone laugh and make those damn Sony fanboys angry!! ”
Via: TechEBlog & Engadget
this hack is fake:
plastic case on a grill?
Okay, I thought I’d chime in on this:
Its probably still cooler to the touch than an X360!
Lol, JK
Whether it is real or not, interesting find there, thank you. If you think a collection of articles on (real :> ) grills and barbecues might be of interest or use to you, and want to find out more, feel free to visit .
I don’t sell anything, the site is just a collection of articles that I’ve collated, all used with permission. (You can click on the Articles1, 2, 3 & 4 links on the top right for a list of more.)
Finally, they make a useful PS3! I want one!