September 2, 2006

Phone Busy Indicator

Here is a super simple phone busy indicator. It should only cost a few dollars to build! “Have you ever been using the modem or fax and someone else picks up the phone, breaking the connection? Well, this simple circuit should put an end to that. It signals that the phone is in use by lighting a red LED. When the phone is not in use, a green LED is

Gym of the Future?

Could this be the Gym of the future? It is an interesting idea. “What about creating green gyms where people pay their memberships as normal, but then use swipe cards before and after they get on the machines. The difference here is that the machines would all be linked to a large central generator, so if you are really working out you will be generating much more energy than is

The Miuro -  Robot For Your iPod

The Miuro is a crazy gadget that takes mobile media to the next level. Looks like a cool hackable robotics platform. The price is a bit too steep for the casual hardware hacker though… “A new, $930 robot from Japan’s ZMP Inc. called Miuro is designed around the Apple iPod. Built in partnership with audio giant Kenwood, it basically transforms an iPod — which clips into the top of the