Add some light to your house with Illuma Wall.

“With Duo-Gard’s new IllumaWALL, you can flood your house with daytime sunlight AND make it glow like a colorful lantern after dusk in uneartly colors like green and pink. If you’re really ostentatious, you can even liven up the neighborhood with a pulsating spectrum of pink, yellow, green, and blue. Add in your favorite musical tracks and you’ve got yourself a party.

Made of translucent polycarbonate panels and custom-programmable LED’s, the applications for IllumaWALL seem both endless and endlessly entertaining. The array of Duo-Gard’s IllumaWALL’s colorful lighting schemes is made possible by the programming capabilities of LED’s, whose versatile nature can transform the wall from steady ambient glow to a light show of pulsating colors in seconds.”

Via Inhabitat and Engadget

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