This Warehouse Project shows the power and flexability of the LEGO Mindstorm kit. It uses Microsoft BizTalk, Windows Workflow Foundation and C# to stitch everything together. Watch the demo of the system in action where a SMS message from a cell phone activates the system, the first robot grabs a box from the warehouse and delivers it to the second robot which drives the package to its destination.
I love the Mindstorms stuff. We didn’t have it when I was growing up, but when I was around 11 years old or so, I took at class at one of the math and science centers where I grew up. The class was on Saturdays, which was kind of a bummer. Anyway, the class taught us how to interface Lego projects we built with a computer via a control board. I believe the computer was an Apple ][E
The software we used was LOGO. Does anyone remember LOGO? 🙂
Favorite line ever:
“Where for god’s sake is the debugger?”
Brings back memories of the First Robotics competition from back in elementary school. Back then we used the version 1.1 RCX (the pretty yellow one).
I would really like to get a mind storm set to mess around with. Its a shame my wife does not share the same tech/toy ambitions that I do 🙁
I’ve been wanting to do this for some other cheap automations around my work… I’m not a programmer tho (yet?)
Where would I even start to learn the programming?
I wouldn’t need ALL of the features here (ie: sms)