Wiimote Door Unlocker

This video shows 3 ways to open a door, first 2 will give you the been there done that feeling. The 3rd is fantastic, using a Wimote the user simply gives his wrist a flick to unlock the door!
Here is the project link, and here is the translated version.

Video after the jump.

“DIY doorlock system via FreeBSD6.2 + Bluetooth HID stack + libpasori. To authenticate a user, this system uses MAC addr(FeliCa IDm/NFCID2 or Bluetooth address). so it’s not so secure… this system currently has 25 ID and used everyday at UEC MMA. Small white square seen in bottom-left corner of the window is FeliCa reader/writer PaSoRi(SONY RC-S320).”



  1. I hope the insane wiimote antics never end

  2. Alan, whatta ya think about putting together a wii hack round up, a post of all teh wiimote hacks, RC cars, home theatre, halflife2, roomba, doorlock, ect?

  3. I’m really interested in how the card works.

    If anyone has any plans for one, I would be greatly appreciative. I’d like to use it for my dorm room.

  4. @Anonymous

    Whynot look into RIFD instead?
    Seems like it would be a funner-more techy- alternative

  5. This it cool, would be sweet to make it not only unlock the door, but pop it open too.

  6. Its beautiful thing these wii motes. Looking forward to getting my wii next month actually 🙂

  7. this is nice site .

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