1. http://scooters.tziworld.com/

    Homemade petrol scooters

    Any of the scooters on this website are super sweet things and are wicked fun, not only to ride
    but also to design and build

  2. A cheap 3d Scanner using a low cost laser and web cam has amazing results.

  3. Yeah that RepRap is cool…it was in this issue of Make: 🙂

  4. Cool, hopefully it will take off. How is make? I use to love Nuts & Volts in the early years.

  5. http://www.pmdo.com/SC1.htm
    my favorite has to be long exposure hacks for high end ccd webcams. Like the mighty philips toucam for deep sky imaging with telescopes. I have an SC1 mod myself and love it as it gave me a new eye to look at the sky with :).

  6. http://www.circuitcellar.com/AVR2004/first.html
    I love this Fuel Consumption gauge. Not only useful in these days of soaring gas prices, but the idea of grabbing any data off your OBD-II line in your vehicle and manipulating/displaying it fills my head with ideas. Time to start on my 17″ widescreen LCD dashboard…

  7. building a homemade scooter is super cheap and really fun and turns heaps of heads as you ride by

  8. ????????????me or someone else, cause im getting confused about this….

  9. Oops, sorry!
    Ew please delete my previous comment (#25)
    It was already posted 🙁

  10. Okay here i am again!

    This one in not posted yet (i searched in the comments too this time)

    The USB servo controller


    This device was designed to control standard hobby radio control servos (up to 6) via a PCs USB port.

    It’s based on obdev’s cool software usb implementation for AVR

  11. http://www.pyrofersprojects.com (again) for a modded version of the Nokia 3310 LCD Temperature probe featured here not long ago!
    Currently only displaying a static picture (instead of the temp) but soon going to have moving games.

  12. Hi Bardlund,

    Good question on the actual end time. I have always been lenient with the actual cutoff to allow for all timezones to post until midnight but you are right I should pick a timezone and stick with it… I will give that some thought. 🙂

  13. Thanks for all the great hack links! The winners have been added to the post.

  14. @ Sammy (#31)
    the WiiHelm was an april fool’s joke (try “Add to cart” :p)

    and oh yeeeah i won 😀

  15. Hi Og Styl,

    Thanks for entering, but the contest has ended… Check back on Saturday since there will be another contest of some sort.

  16. I figured it was over. I still wanted to share this link with everyone.

Comments are closed.