June 30, 2007

Xbox 360 Controller LED MOD

Precisewitem from the Hacked Gadgets Forum has put together a nice tutorial on how to perform an LED mod to your Xbox 360 Controller. “SUPPLIES BASICS – Soldering Iron – 15W Can be purchased as a kit from rat shack – 30 AWG Wire Strippers – Not necessary but will help out a lot – Resin Core Solder – Comes in kit if you get it at rat shack –

Name the Thing Contest - 10

Congratulation to Daniel D., the winner last week. There will be two winners this week. The first prize this week will be useful to anyone who needs to do presentations. It has a laser pointer, LED light, ball point pen and extendable pointing rod. Chris Rybitski has also donated one of his cool tech keychains which he will send to the second winner. Thanks Chris! This contest will run for