LEGO NXT Rubik’s cube solver

Daniele Benedettelli made a LEGO robot that can solve the Rubik’s Cube automatically. Looks like the robot has been well thought of and constructed.

Video after the jump.

“A motor actuates a prismatic joint that pushes the side of the cube; another rotates the cube’s support; the third one has the double function to help the pusher arm to accomodate the cube on the support and to hold the cube while the bottom face is rotated. The robot uses 2 touch sensors as limit switches for the arms and a light sensor to zero the rotating base.”



  1. im getting tired of these things.

  2. saw one of these a while ago

  3. So, how does the robot actually “solve” the cube?
    Is there an easy way, an algorithm? If the robot can do it, means we can do it better!

  4. i have the same laptop 🙂

  5. i have the same webcam

  6. hmm thats cool

  7. it is realy good & nice robots.
    i made one can play on the piano

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