Guitar Hero Robot – Guitar Heronoid

Rafael Mizrahi has put some serious work into this Guitar Hero Robot called Guitar Heronoid. If you are not very good at Guitar Hero this robot may be what you need to get some high scores. If this hack it a bit to hard, why not go wireless first.

“The robot is divided into two basic parts, “brain” and “body”.
The “brain” is in charge of detecting and analyzing the PS2 video signals.
The “brain” generates play-commands (which tone to press, when to do it and when to strum) for the “body”.
The “body” reads the play-commands and controls the fingers movement by them.”


  1. wow that has to be one of the coolest guitar hero mods ever way better then my home made frets on fire controller im working on atm.

  2. That’s just cheating…

  3. Now just make it use the whammy bar and then ill be impressed.

  4. cheating maybe, but definately awesome.

  5. Looks like a fake to me! Look at that first and third image – I don’t believe this is real. Looks like someone has been playing on photoshop! 🙂

  6. Its not ‘cheating’ its just he has found a way to ‘help’ him using his brains

  7. if you ask me, it would be harder to make the robot than to play!
    but how would you do guitar battle?

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