August 16, 2007

MMA2260 Accelerometer Project

Ben Jackson has built a nice simple PIC microcontroller based project that interfaces to a MA2260 Accelerometer. Ben provides the source code so you can see his interface technique. It is interesting to read that there was a number of errors on the datasheet for the device, in my opinion the errors that he found are totally unacceptable! “This little board demonstrates the capabilities of the MMA2260 +/- 1.5g X-Axis

The Laser Listener

Build a laser listening device for less than a fast food meal. Video after the jump. “In a microphone, sound waves (differences in the pressure of air) cause a diaphragm to vibrate back and forth, altering its resistance to an electric current. When an electric current passes through said diaphragm, the output forms a complex signal which can then be reinterpeted by speakers or a recording device as sound. The