Spooky LED Halloween Eyes

For about a dollar in parts you can make your own Spooky LED Halloween Eyes!

Other than a few things you would have around the house this is all you would need.
Two Red LEDs
9 Volt Battery Snap
Crimp Connectors (optional)

“The two red LED’s are soldered to speaker wire, and then black taped to two short pieces of coat hanger wire. These are suspended in front of the actors real eyes with a velcro strap around the head.”


  1. Except they hang in front of your eyes and blind you…

  2. paint the side facing your eye’s black to avoid being blinded…

  3. omg that scared me!

  4. Dude, it’s sposta reflect off your eye sockets

  5. who said? you’ll get radiant light even with the backs painted.

  6. imho the most unseful post…

  7. Cool i will buy some 10cd led. RGB leds would be cool with mcu, so “your” eyes wont be the same colour.

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